Suburb profile for Forster

Suburb Profile for Forster


The suburb of Forster is located in the Local Government area of Great Lakes and covers an area of approximately 32.6 Sq Km.

The surrounding suburbs include Tuncurry, Tiona and Green Point. In 2011, the population of Forster was 12,885, with the main age group being people between 60 and 69 years of age.

The largest segment of the population are Not in Labour Force, in general those in employment work as Professionals with most people travelling to work by driving a car.

There are approximately 5,378 dwellings, with the majority of these (69%) being house. 46.7% of properties in the area are fully owned, with 21.3% of the properties being purchased and 71% being owner occupied.

Married people account for 69% of the population and households in Forster are mainly Couples with no children.

There are 44 Parks, 6 Child Care Centres, 2 Primary Schools and a High School. Local Amenities include 6 Clubs, 2 Golf Courses, a Shopping Complex, a Hospital, 2 Post Offices, 4 Swimming Pools and 6 Churches of different denominations.

Currently, the median sale price of Houses, Units and Vacant Land in Forster is $378,076 compared to $364,511 for the Local Government Area of Great Lakes.

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